13.05.23 It was a wonderful event! With alomost 30 audience and nightingales, rabbits at the side of HKW (Haus der Kultur der Welt). You are welcome to join us today our concert "DISCOVERIES ROTHENBERG" in Hosek Contemporary. We start today at 8 pm, 7.30h door open.
3 days Events in Berlin
Soundwalk with Nightingales
3 musicians invite you to have a SOUNDWALK with Berlin's famous nightingales. An attempt at inter-species communication through sound and music.
Exact location will be published here once the birds have returned to Berlin for the summer.
David Rothenberg - clarinet
Hui-Chun Lin - cello
Elo Masing - violin
*** Place will be announced, please mail us for information and registration:
Suggested donation up 10€ by Paypal (option friends) or Eventbrite.
Discoveries Rothenberg
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DAWN CHORUS at early morning
An Open-Air Piece for A Post-Human Orchestra. A work to be performed together with all the sound-makers at Floating eV during the dawn chorus hour. Three musicians from around the world will put their human skin aside for a while, grow some feathers, and join the birds in greeting the sunrise.
Elo Masing - Composition, Violin
Hui-Chun Lin - Cello
David Rothenberg - Clarinet
Please mail us for registration:
suggested Donation up to 10€, Paypal (option friend)
Known in Berlin for his years of live nightingale concerts, David Rothenberg will discuss what this interspecies music has to do with the whole idea of how music fits into the natural world. He will play musical examples, involving birds, whales, and bugs, and open the topic to discussion.